Terms and conditions

The following terms and conditions apply to the game events “The Experiment”(hereafter referred to as the “Game”) organized by “Enigmania” Ltd. with UIC 203705003 and registered office of govern in Sofia 1618, j.k. “Krasno selo”, bl. 193, vh. B, ap. 50, represented by Ivo Kirkov (hereafter referred to as the “Organizer of the game”) and "Voodoo. (hereafter referred to as the “Game”) organized by “"Kvadrat 8” Ltd. with UIC 205628744 and registered office of govern in Sofia 1404, j.k. “Gotse Delcev”, bl. 36, vh. G, ap. 59, represented by Tania Laakmann (hereafter referred to as the “Organizer of the game”).


1. Every participant in the game shall read and agree to be bounded by these terms and conditions in the interest of the general safety throughout the whole game. These rules can be found on the webpage of the game – www.enigmania.bg and at the location where the game takes place.

2. The organizer of the game reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of these terms and conditions at any time. Notifications of the changes shall be posted on the webpage of the game – www.enigmania.bg and placed at a visible place on the premises.

3. Persons under the age of 9 years are not allowed to participate in the game due to its difficulty. Persons between the age of 9 and 14 years are allowed to participate in the game, but only under the condition that they are accompanied by a responsible adult aged 18 years and over. In order to participate in a game after 10 p.m. persons between the age of 14 and 18 years shall be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian. In case a parent or а legal guardian is not able to attend the game, they are obligated to authorize a responsible adult of the full legal age to accompany the minor(s) in the premises after 10 p.m. 

4. The game takes place in a specially designed for the purpose room (rooms) and it is to be carried out according to these terms and conditions.

5. The game takes place on every day of the week between 10:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., if an appointment is booked in advance.

6. The prices of a game ( from 2 to 6 players) are written under the booking spreadsheet in the website of the game: enigmania.bg 

7. The participants of the game shall make a booking in advance in one of the following ways: by filling out the form on the website of the game or by phone: 0888 207 885. An online booking must be made at least 24 hours prior to the requested date and time. If this deadline is not meet, the booking can be made only by phone.

8. The booking requires an application form with valid, complete and correct information regarding participant’s birth name, telephone number and email address. In case the provided information is not valid, complete and correct, the participant is liable for the failed booking of the game or the failed identificationfor the specific appointmentat the location where the game is held. In this case the organizerreserves the right to deny access to the premises and cancel the game altogether. Should this occur the organizershall not be liable to any person for any reimbursement of the booking fee or the total price for the game nor for any direct or indirect, consequential or incidental damage.

9. For the successful booking of a game, the participant has to pay the fee using one of the accepted payment methods. If the booking fee is not paid within 24 hours of the application, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the booking.

10. The payment for the booking fee and for the total price of the game can be made using the following payment methods: wire transfer to the bank account specified on the webpage, or in cash at the location.

11. In case a group of participants is hindered from participating in a scheduled game due to objective reasons, the appointment shall be canceled at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled time of the game. Otherwise the participants are liable for reimbursement in the amount of the booking fee. A game can be rescheduled up to 48 hours prior to the booked starting time by picking another available starting time from the schedule. If the booking is made within 48 hours of the booked starting time, it cannot be canceled or rescheduled anymore. If the participants arrive after the scheduled starting time for theirgame, they will lose play time.

12. The participants in agame should arrive 10 minutes prior to the booked starting time of the game. By their arrival they should certify the payment of the booking fee with the corresponding documentand pay the rest of the price, in case it was not paid in advance.

13. Before the start of the game every participant will be required to sign a waiver agreeing to the terms and conditions of the game, participating in the game without signing a written declaration is prohibited.

14. The organizer of the gamedoes not take responsibility for incidents of any kind, which can occurin the course of a game, caused by the behavior of the participants or by negligence by their part, including incidents due to abuse of substances and/or items, which a participant holds in their possession or has brought on the premises.

15. The organizer reserves the right to deny access to the premises where the game takes place if persons, who should be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian show up alone or with someone, who doesn’t fit the requirements for a guardian according to these terms and conditions, not taking into consideration if these persons have made the booking or paid for the game. Should the organizer deny access because of the reasons described in the previous sentence, the organizer is not liable for the prepaid booking fee or the price of the game or any other kind of damages to the people that where denied access.

16. Participants deemed violent, intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will not be allowed to play the game.

17. Participants are not allowed to carry and use weapons, ammunition, explosive materials, pyrotechnic products, harmful or hazardous objects, other items deemed to be dangerous or harmful to other participants, drugs, narcoticsand otherprohibited and/or dangerous to life and health of participants substances. Pets are not allowedon the premises.

18. The organizer of the game or the security of the building can request participant’s ID and conduct a search of their belongings with or without their permission, when they are entering or exiting the premises, if the organizer of the game has a reason to suspect that the participant has committed or assisted in the act of committing a crime or a breach of the terms and conditions. The organizerreserves the right to request an ID in order to verify the identity of the person, who made the booking (so that someone doesn’t take advantage of the booking you paid for), or the age of a participant.

19. Every person takes part in the game at their own risk and is fully responsible for their personal belongings. The organizer is not liable for the loss, theft or damage to any personal belongings of the participants in the game.

20. If a participant has illnesses or health conditionstriggered bysmall and darkspaces, locked rooms, unusually bright or very low light, unexpected light or sound effects, monotone sounds and their like, or is diagnosed with asthma, claustrophobia, epilepsy, heart-diseases, or is in state of pregnancy, their participation in the game is not recommended and is allowed at their own risk.

21. In case of medical issue or other emergency the game can be cut off at any time and the participant can exit the premises. The participant shall leave the room, if necessary accompanied by one or more of the other participants. In case the game is not canceled all together, the rest of the participants can continue with their current game.

22. In the event of force majeure conditions(such asnatural disasters, extreme weather conditions, strikes, wars and riots, lockouts, interruptions or failures of electricity or internet service and others), the game shall be stopped until the conditions return to normal. The game can be canceled and rescheduled or it can continue after a short brake dependent on the current case and the organizer is not liable for the price of the game or other damages.

23. The organizercan cut off the game at any time in case that some of the participants do not follow the rules of the game or the instructions of the organizer and the organizer is not liable for the price of the game or other damages.

24. The maximal duration of a singlegame is 75 minutes and the participants cannot expand the time limit at any case. The minimal number of participants in one session is two and the maximum - six people.

25. The game premises is under permanent video surveillance. The participants shall be informed by visible warning signs that their actions are being monitored using surveillance cameras, without specifying the location of the devices. This measure is demanded by the nature and the rules of the game, but it’s also necessary for the safety of the participants. Entering the gameroom the percipients declare that they understand and acceptthis.The participants also agree that the video and audio data from their game will be saved and processed by the organizer and it will be used for statistic and marketing researches without limitationon the time, location or manner. If the participantsdo not agree with the last sentence, they can express their disagreement in a written declaration at the location where the game takes place.

26. The organizer accepts no liability - within the law- for any damages resulting from the provided services, including the organization and the conduct of the game, except in cases of intentorgrossnegligence on the part of the organizer, and for any damage of property exceeding the price paid for the provided services (the booking fee, the price of the game).

27. The organizer is not liable for any consequences or damages resulting from the incorrect use of the game and the puzzles within the game or from any non-adherence to these terms and conditions or the rules of the game.

28. Every participant in the game is bound to handlethe elements of the gamewith care and not to brake, damage, embezzle orharm them in any other way. “Elements of the game” refers to all pieces and parts of the interior and exterior of the room, the riddles and the puzzles inside the room and all the items, materials, mechanisms, devices, equipmentand furniture located on the premises.

29. The organizer of the game reserves the right to make financial and other claims against the participants in the gamefor breach of these terms and conditions. The organizer of the game reserves the right to make financial and other claims against the participants in the game for any damages (indirect damage and consequential damage such as loss of profit as well) caused by the incorrect use of elements of the game or by broken, damaged, lost or embezzledelements of the game. The participants in the game, who caused the damage or who assisted directly or indirectly in the commission of the damage, are liable for it. The participants understand and agree, that the total value of the damagecan be established based not only on the reimbursement for the value of the broken, damaged, lost, stolen or embezzledelement, but also on the loss of profit for failedor lost bookings of the game by other participants, if the game ceased working for an undefined period of time because of the damage.

30. Smoking, taking audio andvideo recordings or still photography is strictly forbidden in the room where the game takes place or any other facility on the site.

31. The participants agree that any information about the game should be considered a trade secretand disclosure to third parties is prohibited.

32. Copying, distribution, public display or creating other games that could be considered as derivatives of the game are prohibited. The organizer of the game retains all rights to take legal action against any person, who has committed an infringement of intellectual property rights.

34. The organizer of the gamecollects, processes, uses und saves the personal data provided by the participants only for the purposes of the game and according to the personal data protection law. The organizer is registered as an administrator of personal data according to the law without disclosing it to any third party and is dedicated to ensure that the privacy of your personal information is protected.

35. The organizer of the game reserves the right to send automatic electronic messages to the participants in the game regarding the booking of agame, as well as messages regarding the provided services,changes in the conditions, promotions, inquiries and others. By agreeing to this terms and conditions the participants subscribe to thenews feedof the game. In case they want to cancel this subscription, they should send an email to the email address of the game.